Paneer... Image credit -
கோகுலம் / Gokulam

Cooking Fun: Making Yummy Paneer...

Yardhini Devaraj

Hi there! I’m going to tell you how to make one of my favorite dishes: paneer! It’s super fun to make, and you can even help your mom or dad in the kitchen. Ready? Let’s go!

What You Need:

 Paneer: It’s like a soft, yummy cheese.

Tomatoes: 2 of them, chopped up.

Onion: 1 small one, finely chopped.

Garlic: 2 cloves, crushed (this makes it super tasty!).

Ginger: A tiny piece, chopped.

Turmeric Powder: Just a pinch (it makes it look cool and yellow!).

Cumin Seeds: A little bit.

Salt: To taste.

Oil: A little bit for cooking.

Coriander: Fresh and chopped (you can skip this if you don’t like green stuff).

Let's Get Cooking!

1. Ask for Help: First, make sure you have a grown-up to help you with the stove and cutting stuff.

2. Heat the Pan: Put a little bit of oil in a pan and ask your grown-up to heat it up.

3. Cumin Time: When the oil is hot, add a pinch of cumin seeds. They will sizzle and splurt, and it’s so much fun to watch!

4. Onions and Friends: Add the chopped onions, garlic, and ginger. Stir them around until the onions turn golden brown. It might take a few minutes.

5. Tomato Splash: Now, add the chopped tomatoes. Stir them until they get soft and mushy. This is when it starts to smell really yummy!

6. Spice It Up: Add a pinch of turmeric powder and some salt. Mix it all up. You can add other spices if you like, but this is just right for kids.

7. Paneer Party: Add the paneer cubes to the pan. Stir gently so they get coated with all the delicious spices. Cook for about 5 minutes, but don’t let the paneer get too brown.

8. Finishing Touch: If you like coriander, sprinkle some chopped coriander on top. It makes it look pretty and adds a fresh taste.

Ready to Eat!

That’s it! You’ve made delicious paneer. Serve it with warm roti or rice, and enjoy your meal. Cooking is so much fun, especially when you get to eat something so yummy at the end.

Remember, always clean up the kitchen with your grown-up after you’re done cooking. Have fun and keep cooking!

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