My magic pen is very nice
It moves like a sledge on ice
The nib has a good point,
It helps me during exam time,
To write poems with good endings,
Like an aeroplane making a smooth landing!
There are so many pens in the world,
But none like mine, take my word,
My pen’s full of magic ink,
Like Aristotle, it makes me think!
-Kisan Sani, St.John’s H.S., Bellary.
My Sister
Is there some
Mistake in her?
I mean my
Silly Sister!
All day long
She plays with her doll
And never stops
Hitting me at all!
Sometimes she is good,
Sometimes she’s bad,
I feel sometimes that
She’s gone mad!
When I do my homework,
She takes away my pen
After taking it she’ll
Not give it back again.
When I go to school,
She bids me good-bye
Phew! Now I am with my friends,
Heaving a sigh of relief.
-Pooja P. Asar, Bombay Cambridge School.
As I went up the hill
As I went up the hill,
Cool breeze hit my face,
My heart sang sweetly,
Don’t go back.
As I went up the hill,
The flowers sang merrily,
Try again and again,
Success will come.
As I went up the hill,
The rocks said stonily,
Don’t look back
That will make you fall.
-Nitish K. Murthy, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Faridabad.