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கோகுலம் / Gokulam

Self-Love vs Selfishness: What's the Difference?

Yardhini Devaraj

Hey there, friends! Have you ever heard people talk about self-love and being selfish? They might sound similar, but they are actually very different! Let’s dive in and understand these two concepts through a fun and simple explanation.

What is Self-Love?

Self-love means taking care of yourself and appreciating who you are. It’s like being your own best friend. Here are some ways to practice self-love:

1. Eating Healthy: Eating fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods helps your body stay strong and healthy.

2. Getting Enough Sleep: Going to bed on time helps you feel refreshed and ready for a new day.

3. Doing What You Enjoy: Whether it’s drawing, playing sports, or reading, doing things you love makes you happy.

4. Being Kind to Yourself: If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and try again. Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s how we learn.

What is Selfishness?

Being selfish is different. It means thinking only about yourself and not caring about how your actions affect others. Here are some examples of selfish behavior:

1. Not Sharing: If you have a big bag of candy and don’t want to share any with your friends, that’s being selfish.

2. Ignoring Others’ Feelings: If a friend is sad and you don’t try to help because you’re too busy playing your game, that’s selfish.

3. Taking More Than Your Fair Share: If there’s a pizza and you take more slices than everyone else, that’s not fair and is selfish.

Why is Self-Love Important?

When you love yourself, you feel happier and more confident. It’s like having a superpower that helps you face challenges and enjoy life. Plus, when you take care of yourself, you’re in a better position to help and be kind to others.

Why is Being Selfish Not Good?

Being selfish can make people feel sad or upset. It can also make it hard to make friends and have fun together. If everyone only thought about themselves, the world would be a much lonelier place.

How to Tell the Difference

Here’s a simple way to remember the difference:

- Self-Love: Makes you and others feel good. It’s about taking care of yourself in a way that helps you be kind and caring to others.

- Selfishness: Makes others feel bad. It’s about taking more than you need and not caring about others.

A Quick Example

Imagine you have a toy you really like. If you play with it and take good care of it, that’s self-love. You’re enjoying your toy and it makes you happy. But if a friend wants to play with it too and you refuse to share, that’s being selfish. Sharing the toy could make both you and your friend happy.


- It’s okay to say “no” sometimes if you need to take care of yourself. That’s self-love.

- It’s important to think about others’ feelings and share what you have. That’s being kind, not selfish.

So, next time you hear these words, you’ll know the difference. Love yourself and be kind to others—that’s the best way to be happy and make the world a better place!

Keep smiling and being awesome!

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