Plastic Panic!

Plastic Panic!
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This threatening title itself mirrors the uncontrolled situation and terrifying impact of plastic on man, animal, nature and this world.

Man entered this world as a creation of Nature but has now not only become independent of it but has also conquered it. Technological progress has altered the ways and means of exchange of matter and energy in the biosphere. From the metal age we have stepped into the world of plastic and synthetic environment.

Invention of plastic

Plastic is the common term for a wide of synthetic materials used in the manufacture of industrial and houawhols oroducts of highmoiecular mass and may contain other subdtance to improve performance and reduce costs. The  word is derived from the Greek plastikos meaning fit for moulding. It refers to their malleability or plasticity during manufacture, that allows them to be cast and pressed into a variety of shapes such as films, fibres, plates, tubes, bottles, boxes,and much more. Plastic was invented by Alexander Parkes in 1855 in England. After the First World War, improvements chemical technology led to an explosion in new forms of plastics.

Today almost all houses all over the world are stuffed with plastic goods. Not just residential houses but hotels, hospitals, shops, schools and other public places too are filled with plastic items.

Plastic, Plastic… Everywhere

Cups, Plates, carry bags, bottles,  containers, disposable syringe, chairs, tables- these are just some of the plastic items which have become indispensable in today's world. Easy-to-carry, light weight. inexpensive and easy availability in attractive shapes and colours have enticed and trapped us into using them in all spheres of life.

Plastic is also extensively used in the packaging industry. Today, almost all food items, be it solid or liquid, are packed in plastic containers. No doubt they are easy to use and carry, but we seem to forget the chemical reaction of these on the food items and the side effects on our health.

People today are extremely obedient to the "command" 'Use and throw. Plastic cups, plates, glasses, forks, spoons and carry bags are strewn all over the place, especially in developing countries which do not have proper waste disposal method. Plastics may cause malaria. This sounds far fetched but just take a reality check. Plastic items thrown around get washed into drains, only to choke and block water flow! The dirty water stagnates and becomes breeding ground for pests and mosquitoes. This in turn causes various diseases.

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