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கோகுலம் / Gokulam

9 Bad Habits We Should Change!

Yardhini Devaraj

Hey, fellow kids! We all have some habits that aren't the best, right? But that’s okay because we can always work on them together. Here are a few bad habits we might have and why it’s a good idea to change them.

1. Putting Things Off

Sometimes, I just don’t feel like doing my homework or chores right away. I keep thinking, 'I’ll do it later.' But then, later comes, and I still don’t want to do it! This habit makes me feel stressed because I end up with so much to do at the last minute. If I get my work done first, then I have more time to play and relax without worrying.

2. Not Listening to Others

Sometimes, when someone’s talking to me, especially grown-ups, my mind drifts off. I start thinking about what’s for dinner or that cool game I want to play. But not listening can be rude, and I might miss out on important stuff. Plus, when I listen, I can learn new things and understand people better.

3. Interrupting Conversations

It’s so hard to wait for my turn to talk when I’m excited! But interrupting others isn't nice. It can make people feel like what they’re saying isn’t important. I’m trying to wait until the other person is done talking, so everyone feels heard.

4. Leaving Messes Everywhere

Sometimes, I leave my toys, clothes, or dishes lying around. It feels like too much work to clean up right away. But then, things get messy, and it’s hard to find what I need. Also, my parents get annoyed. If I clean up as I go, everything stays neat, and I can find my stuff faster.

5. Spending Too Much Time on Screens

Playing video games or watching TV is super fun, but sometimes I spend too much time on it. When I do that, I miss out on playing outside, reading, or hanging out with friends. It’s good to balance screen time with other activities, so I don’t miss out on other fun things.

6. Being Impatient

I sometimes want things to happen right away, like getting a snack or reaching the next level in a game. But being impatient makes me feel frustrated. If I learn to be more patient, I’m usually happier because I don’t get upset as easily.

7. Complaining Too Much

If things don’t go the way I want, I sometimes complain a lot. But complaining doesn’t really help. It can make me and everyone around me feel bad. I’m trying to look on the bright side and find something positive, even when things aren’t perfect.

8. Not Sharing

Sometimes, I don’t feel like sharing my toys or snacks. But when I think about it, sharing can be really nice. It makes my friends happy, and we all have more fun together. Plus, they might share something cool with me too!

9. Being Too Hard on Myself

When I make a mistake, I sometimes feel really bad and think I’m not good enough. But nobody’s perfect, and mistakes are just part of learning. I’m trying to be kinder to myself and remember that it’s okay to mess up sometimes.


These are just a few habits that we might want to change. It’s not always easy, but making small changes can make us feel better and help us get along with others. And remember, we’re all learning and growing, so it’s okay to make mistakes as long as we try to do better next time!

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