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கோகுலம் / Gokulam

Why Does My Pet Do That? Understanding Common Behaviors!

Yardhini Devaraj

Pets can be puzzling creatures. If you’ve ever wondered why your furry friend behaves a certain way, you’re not alone! Understanding your pet’s actions can strengthen your bond and improve their well-being. Let’s explore some common pet behaviors and what they mean.

1. Tail Chasing in Dogs

Many dogs love to chase their tails, and it might look like just a fun game. However, this behavior can indicate boredom or excess energy. If your dog is frequently chasing their tail, consider more exercise and mental stimulation. Engaging them with toys or training can help channel that energy into more productive activities.

2. Kneading in Cats

Ever noticed your cat kneading on your lap or a soft blanket? This behavior is a leftover instinct from kittenhood when they kneaded their mother to stimulate milk flow. As adults, cats knead for comfort and to mark their territory with scent glands in their paws. It’s a sign they feel safe and content!

3. Purring in Cats

While purring is often associated with happiness, cats can also purr when they’re in pain or feeling anxious. If your cat is purring but also showing signs of distress—like hiding or avoiding play—it might be time for a vet visit to rule out any health issues.

4. Digging in Dogs

Dogs love to dig, and there are various reasons for this behavior. It could be instinctual, stemming from their wild ancestors who dug to create shelter or find food. Alternatively, your dog might be bored or seeking attention. Providing adequate exercise and mental challenges can help reduce this behavior.

5. Bringing You 'Gifts'

If your pet brings you their toys or even things they’ve found, they might be trying to share or play with you. Dogs may present their owners with toys to show affection, while cats might be displaying hunting instincts. Both actions are forms of communication, signalling their desire for interaction.

6. Howling in Dogs

Howling is a natural behaviour for many dog breeds, often related to their ancestry. Dogs may howl to communicate with other dogs or to get your attention. If your dog howls excessively, it could be due to boredom, loneliness, or anxiety, so consider providing companionship or mental stimulation.


Understanding your pet’s behaviours can make a significant difference in your relationship with them. Every action has a reason, whether it's instinct, communication, or seeking comfort. By observing and responding to their needs, you’ll not only enrich their lives but also deepen the bond you share. Next time your pet does something quirky, take a moment to consider what they might be trying to tell you!

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