6 Super Cool Facts About The Moon!

Moon is moving
the MoonImage credit - pixabay
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The Moon is one of the coolest things to see in the night sky, and it has some amazing secrets! Here are some fun, rare facts about the Moon that will surprise you:

1.The Moon is moving away!

Every year, the Moon drifts about 1.5 inches away from Earth. That’s about the same speed your fingernails grow! A long time ago, it used to be much closer and would’ve looked much bigger in the sky.

2. No air on the Moon!

If you were to stand on the Moon, you wouldn’t hear anything. That’s because there’s no air on the Moon to carry sound. It’s like a giant, silent rock floating in space.

3. The Moon has "Moonquakes"!

Just like Earth has earthquakes, the Moon has moonquakes! They happen deep inside the Moon, and sometimes even its surface shakes. These quakes are caused by the Earth’s gravity pulling on it.

4. Footprints last forever!

The footprints left by astronauts on the Moon will be there for millions of years! There’s no wind or rain to wash them away, so they’ll stay just as they are.

5. No dark side!

Many people think there’s a 'dark side' of the Moon that never sees sunlight, but that’s not true. The Moon rotates, just like Earth, and every part of it gets sunlight at different times.

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Moon is moving

6. Tiny bits of Moon on Earth!

There are little pieces of the Moon on Earth, but they didn’t come from space missions. Instead, they arrived as meteorites when bits of the Moon were knocked off by asteroids.

The Moon is full of mysteries, and who knows what other cool things we’ll discover!

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