Discovering the Moon & it's phases- The Natural Satellite!

Discovering the Moon...
Discovering the Moon...
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Have you ever looked up at the night sky and noticed the Moon shining brightly? The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite, and it goes through different phases that makes it look like it's changing shape. Let's explore the Moon and its phases to understand why this happens!

The Moon is a big, rocky body that orbits, or goes around, the Earth. It’s about one-fourth the size of Earth, making it the fifth largest moon in our solar system. The Moon doesn't have its own light. Instead, it reflects the light from the Sun, which is why it appears to glow in the night sky.

The Moon's Orbit:

The Moon takes about 27.3 days to orbit the Earth once. This journey around our planet is what causes the different phases of the Moon. The changing angles between the Sun, the Moon, and Earth lead to the different shapes of the moon that we see in the sky.

The Phases of the Moon:

1. *New Moon*: During the new moon phase, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. The side of the Moon facing the Earth is not lit up by the Sun, so it looks like there's no Moon in the sky.

2. *Waxing Crescent*: After the new moon, a small part of the Moon becomes visible. This phase is called the waxing crescent. ‘Waxing’ means growing, so the visible part of the Moon is getting bigger.

3. *First Quarter*: In this phase, half of the Moon is visible. It’s called the first quarter because the Moon is one-quarter of the way through its orbit around Earth.

4. *Waxing Gibbous*: The Moon continues to grow, or wax, and more than half of it is visible. This phase is called waxing gibbous.

5. *Full Moon*: The entire face of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun, making it look like a big, bright circle in the sky. This phase is called the full moon.

6. *Waning Gibbous*: After the full moon, the Moon starts to shrink, or wane. The illuminated part gets smaller, leading to the waning gibbous phase.

7. *Last Quarter*: In this phase, we see half of the Moon again, but it's the opposite half from the first quarter. The Moon is three-quarters of the way through its orbit.

8. *Waning Crescent*: Finally, the Moon continues to wane until only a small sliver is visible. This is the waning crescent phase.

After this, the cycle starts all over again with a new moon.

Why Do We See Phases?

The phases of the Moon are caused by its position relative to the Earth and Sun. When the Moon orbits Earth, the Sun lights up different parts of it, and we see those parts from Earth. Imagine shining a flashlight on a ball and moving around it. Depending on where you stand, different parts of the ball will be lit up and visible to you. That’s similar to how we see the Moon’s phases.

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Discovering the Moon...

Fun Facts About the Moon

- The Moon is about 238,855 miles away from Earth.

- The same side of the Moon always faces Earth. This is because the Moon takes the same amount of time to rotate on its axis as it does to orbit Earth.

- There is no air or water on the Moon, which is why astronauts wear special suits when they visit the Moon.

Understanding the Moon and its phases helps us appreciate this beautiful and fascinating object in our night sky. Next time you look up and see the Moon, you can impress your friends and family with your knowledge about its phases!

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