Care for Pets Image credit - pixabay
கோகுலம் / Gokulam

Rainy Days and Dog Days!

Yardhini Devaraj

Hi, kids! Rainy days can be fun, right? You get to jump in puddles and splash around. But did you know that your furry friends might not enjoy the rain as much as you do? Just like how we need raincoats and umbrellas, pets need special care when it’s raining. Let’s learn how to take care of our pets during the rainy season!

1. Keep Your Pet Dry

Imagine being outside without an umbrella, getting soaked! That’s how your pet feels in the rain. Dogs and cats don’t like being wet, and it can even make them sick. So, if you need to take your dog outside for a walk or potty break, here are a few things you can do:

- Use a Raincoat: Yes, pets have raincoats too! You can get a cute little raincoat for your dog so they stay dry.

- Carry an Umbrella: If your pet doesn’t like wearing clothes, you can hold an umbrella over them to keep them from getting wet.

- Towel Dry: After coming back inside, make sure to dry your pet off with a towel. This helps keep them warm and prevents them from getting sick.

2. Clean Their Paws

Have you ever noticed how muddy your shoes get when you walk outside in the rain? The same thing happens to your pet’s paws! When your pet walks on wet ground, their paws get muddy and dirty. It’s important to:

- Wipe Their Paws: When your pet comes back inside, use a towel or special pet wipes to clean their paws. This stops dirt from spreading around your house.

- Check for Infections: Rainy weather can cause little cuts or infections on your pet’s paws because the ground is slippery and wet. If you notice anything unusual, ask your parents to take your pet to the vet.

 3. Watch Out for Ticks and Fleas

Rainy days are when fleas and ticks come out to play! These tiny bugs like to hide in your pet’s fur and can make them very uncomfortable. Here’s how you can help:

- Check Your Pet: After a walk, check your dog’s fur to make sure there are no fleas or ticks. They can be sneaky, so look carefully around their ears and neck.

- Use Pet-Friendly Sprays: There are sprays that can help keep fleas and ticks away. Ask your parents to use a special flea and tick spray on your pet during the rainy season.

4. Make Playtime Fun Indoors

Rainy days mean your pets can’t run around outside as much, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get exercise! Pets, especially dogs, still need to stay active. You can:

- Play Indoor Games: Grab your pet’s favorite toy and play fetch in the hallway or living room. You can also teach your pet new tricks during this time!

- Set Up an Obstacle Course: Make an indoor obstacle course using pillows, chairs, and blankets for your pet to run through. It’s like a mini adventure inside!

5. Keep Them Warm and Cozy

Just like you like to snuggle up with a blanket on rainy days, your pet needs to stay warm too. Make sure their bed is in a dry, cozy spot. If it’s chilly, you can even give them an extra blanket to cuddle with.

6. Keep Their Ears Dry

Some dogs have floppy ears that can trap moisture. This is especially common in the rain. Wet ears can cause infections, so make sure to gently dry their ears after being outside.


Rainy days might seem gloomy, but with a little extra care, you can make sure your pets stay happy and healthy. By keeping them dry, cleaning their paws, and making indoor time fun, you’ll be the best pet parent ever—even on the rainiest of days!

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