Emu War... Image credit - ironicsans.substack.com
கோகுலம் / Gokulam

The Great Emu War: A Strange Battle in History!

Yardhini Devaraj

Once upon a time, in the wide-open lands of Australia, there was a very unusual war. But this wasn’t a war between two countries or armies—it was between humans and emus and a real one at that!

Emus are large, flightless birds that can run really fast. They almost look like ostriches and are very clever.

Back in 1932, after World War I, many Australian soldiers were given land to farm. But farming in the dry, rough areas of Western Australia was tough. To make matters worse, around 20,000 emus started coming to these farms, looking for food and water. The emus began eating the crops the farmers had worked so hard to grow. The farmers tried to chase them away, but the emus were too quick and smart.

The farmers were worried that they would lose all their crops, so they asked the government for help. The government sent soldiers with machine guns to scare off the emus. The soldiers thought it would be easy, but the emus had other plans.

The emus were so fast and spread out that it was hard for the soldiers to hit them. The birds would run in all directions, making it nearly impossible to catch them. The soldiers fired lots of bullets but didn’t manage to stop the emus from eating the crops. After a few weeks, the soldiers had to give up. The emus were just too clever and quick.

In the end, the emus won this strange battle, and the farmers had to find other ways to protect their crops. The 'Great Emu War' became a funny story that people still tell today, showing that sometimes, even with all our cleverness and machines, nature can still surprise us!

(Note: Real incident)

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